Find additional capacity in your network

Assess performance improvement potential in your current operation

What is your measure of performance? You probably keep records of units per hour or sales per employee and then make comparisons with last year or last week. You will no doubt be able to make broad comparisons between the various parts of your organisation, arriving at the conclusion that one section is more effective than another. But how will you know what could be achieved and how will you turn your desire for improvement into reality.

We take an objective and analytical approach that will give you not only an accurate assessment of improvement potential but will also tell you what needs to be done to realise the potential in your organisation.

  • We start by mapping the processes in your operation so that we can understand how the different parts fit together
  • We collect and analyse historical data to understand variations in demand patterns and work patterns
  • We observe the operation as a whole using sampling techniques to give a picture of how the working day is spent
  • We talk to team members and managers about their jobs
  • We then critically examine all the information to identify opportunities for improvement
  • Our sampling measurements are used to set targets for what could be achieved
  • We calculate the performance gap and list the actions you should take to close it
  • We prioritise the action list in terms of the ease and cost of each item and the impact it will have on performance
  • We finish with a detailed presentation of results

Our thorough and objective approach will give you a clear agenda for performance improvement.

Please have a look at our list of white papers and case studies for more detail of how these systems can be applied.

If you would like to talk this over with an experienced consultant, at no obligation then call us on 01527 834689 or email us at